free birth planning

VBAC Birth Template:
Tips for Creating a Strong Birth Plan

We are thrilled to present our complimentary VBAC birth plan template for women who deeply desire a vaginal birth after cesarean.

Lovingly crafted by Jade van Dijk, creator of BirthTools, who has been guiding women to gracefully achieve their birthing goals and aspirations.
Australian vbac success rate statistics

Vaginal birth after cesarean is possible
but it's our hospital policies that hold us back

1 in 8

women are achieving their vaginal birth after caesarean

will birth by repeat caesarean
Write your awesome label here.


of VBAC happens in public hospitals

compared to


in private hospitals

Birth plan template

What you'll find inside

Download your personal vbac template today and take the first step towards your positive birth.

Birth Wish List

How do you make a birth plan? We get you started by outlining all of the things that are possible during labour and in pregnancy. 

Start imagining what's possible and put pen to paper.

VBAC "Policies"

The success of your VBAC is often guided by choices in your pregnancy and the "recommendations" by your hospiral, NOT because you can't labour and birth like a champ! We identify the common "roadblocks" that women face so you can manage your way around them!

Birth Plan Template

Now you know what you want and what's possible, you can use our template to create a birth plan that is personal to you. We also give you some things to research and dig deeper.
our testimonials

Testimonials from people who completed our VBAC course

NickI and harlow
"Initially I downloaded the free vbac birth plan template and very soon after realised that I really wanted more information on how I could overcome the "roadblocks" I would be facing. Doing the BirthTools for VBAC course was amazing and I never would have walked into that labour and birth with so much confidence without it!
jenny and ben
"BirthTools not only answered my questions but also taught me that things do not always go to plan. Understanding different paths and options made me feel calm and confident - which is incredibly important when you give birth. Moments before my baby's birth I could easily make decisions, where necessary, with the power of knowledge and understanding on what needs to happen and why. Thank you BirthTools for my empowering VBAC birth."

A word from Jade

"Over the years I've been honoured to support so many women desiring a VBAC and achieving it! I believe more than anything that it's the system that fails women and not their bodies to have a vaginal birth after cesarean. I love to help prepare those mamas for what to expect and also help them create an alternate birth plan that includes an amazing cesarean as their plan B. I hope that your birth is amazing!
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